Critical to the continued success of any organization is its youth. The G.T.V. Almrausch is aware of this and works hard to maintain an active Kindergruppe (Children's Group).
Boys and girls in the G.T.V. Almrausch Kindergruppe range from 3 to 15 years of age. These children work hard on their Schuhplattler, rehearsing weekly. Their pride shows in every performance. More importantly, their enjoyment shows, too!
G.T.V. Almrausch's Kindergruppe leaders work hard to help the children learn the dances. They also maintain an atmosphere that is fun, ensuring that the children want to come back. The G.T.V. Almrausch Kindergruppe could not survive without their efforts.
If you have a child who is interested in learning Schuhplattler dances, please contact us at gtvalmrausch@gmail.com. We will contact you shortly.