100 Years Strong  



What is Schuhplattler?

The Schuhplattler is a type of dance. Translated to English, Schuhplattler is "shoe slapping". When you watch a Schuhplattler being performed, the reason for its name becomes obvious - you will see men slapping their shoes. In addition, the men will be slapping their legs, jumping and clapping.

Not to be outdone by the men, the women supply the other highly recognizable part of a Schuhplattler dance - the spinning. While the men are busy doing their part, the women can be seen spinning, causing their Dirndl to rise up forming the familiar bell.

The Schuhplattler originated in Bavaria in the 18th century. At social gatherings of the time, young men would try to impress the young ladies by displaying their strength and athletic ability. Their displays evolved into the "shoe slapping" that is performed today.

As time passed, dances were developed to celebrate the professions of the time. Other dances were created as "flirting dances". Still others were performed to celebrate specific regions or towns. The following dances, still performed by the GTV Almrausch today, illustrate the diverse origins of the Schuhplattler.


  • Mühlradl (Miller's Dance) - celebrates the grain mill operator
  • Miner's Dance - celebrates mining
  • Holzhacker - celebrates the wood cutter
  • Glockenplattler (Bell Dance) - celebrates the shepherd

Flirting Dances

  • Figurentanz (Figure Dance)
  • Austrian Steierer

Regions or Towns

  • Haushammer

Even today, new Schuhplattler dances are created. If you attend a performance of the G.T.V. Almrausch, you may see the Steingadener - a dance designed by our members, or the Almrausch Radl, which was created in celebration of our 90th Anniversary.